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Tools for Startups / Startup Toolkits

Fundraising Tools for Startups

Tools from Burkland and our partners to help startups through successful fundraising rounds.

Fundraising Tools for Startups

Due Diligence Plan Template

For a startup preparing for due diligence, this spreadsheet template includes a work plan, checklist, controls, and more.

Due Diligence Checklist

A spreadsheet template that includes a general due diligence checklist, profit and loss checklists, controls checklists, and HR stages.

What Is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding allows large numbers of people to contribute relatively small amounts of money to a given project, cause, or business venture.

The Economics of Term Sheets

In this video, a16z Managing Partner Scott Kupor demystifies the term sheet, giving a brief tutorial for current and potential founders on how to understand the economic terms commonly used.

Pitch Deck Resources

Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

This ten-slide pitch deck template is designed to help founders order and prioritize your presentation to maximize the attention you receive from investors.