Fines and fallout for pay transparency non-compliance are real, but can be avoided with planning. Start by defining your company’s compensation philosophy.
One of the best ways to get honest and open feedback from your team is through an anonymous survey.
One of the best ways to gain a competitive advantage with employee recruiting and retention is to ensure your benefits are competitive.
Both of these health reimbursement plans allow startups to provide affordable and personalized benefits. Learn about the key differences.
Reference Burkland’s HR checklist for startups to know when you should be building and growing your people programs, policies, and procedures.
People Operations can help your startup weather the tough times and emerge with a solid competitive edge when the economy begins to improve.
Our new clients typically share a group of accounting problems that need to be tackled first, before strategic planning, forecasting, or KPI reporting can be improved.
You most likely have bought yourself a short amount of time with this employee before the same issues that caused them to look happen again.
Employee documentation can help your company raise that next round of funding and mitigate any allegations of unfair employment practices.
It’s important to make sure that your startup’s I-9 verification plan complies with the new regulations going into effect October 31, 2022