The deferred revenue schedule is an important tool to manage cash flow and ensure your startup’s financial statements accurately reflect its position.
EBITDA provides an accurate overall financial performance picture and helps investors understand their potential returns.
Look out for these seven things to ensure your accounting tech stack serves your needs now and as you scale.
Key indicators like headcount, growth stage, and fundraising plans can help you know when your startup is ready to outsource accounting.
As of January 1, 2022, domestic R&D claims must be amortized over a five-year period, or a 15-year period for international R&D claims.
Thank you to all the experts throughout the startup ecosystem who joined our Startup Success podcast in 2022 to share knowledge and insights.
2022 was a challenging year of surprises for startups and investors. Our readers found these blog articles to be especially helpful.
Burkland has compiled a new toolkit to help you extend your startup’s runway with intelligent scenario planning, cost reduction, and cash flow measures.
FP&A helps startups scale by leveraging the company’s data for decision making, including data that may be hidden beneath the surface.
Our new clients typically share a group of accounting problems that need to be tackled first, before strategic planning, forecasting, or KPI reporting can be improved.