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Burkland Expands Services for Clean Energy Startups

New specialty consulting area provides accounting expertise and financial guidance tailored to the needs of Clean Energy startups.

Our mission at Burkland is to accelerate the dreams that change the world. That’s why, since day one, we’ve been focused on serving the unique finance needs of startups. The startup ecosystem is always brimming with companies that are hard at work developing truly world-changing solutions across a range of industries.

Today, we find this world-changing spirit to be especially strong and vibrant in the Clean Energy sector. Companies across the globe are researching and developing exciting new technologies, some of which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Everything from how we grow our food, to how we produce energy, manufacture goods, and monitor emissions is undergoing a profound transformation at scale right now.

Everything from how we grow our food, to how we produce energy, manufacture goods, and monitor emissions is undergoing a profound transformation at scale right now.

Clean Energy and sustainability innovations we’re especially excited about include:

  • Carbon remediation and carbon credit markets
  • Affordable fusion power, inspired by nature
  • Low-carbon laser manufacturing
  • Alternatives for animal proteins
  • AgTech innovations like bioengineering and crop monitoring
  • Sustainable biofuels
  • Methane emissions monitoring

These innovations are supported by a major spike in available funding over the past few years, including government grants, VC investments, and private investments from names like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. In particular, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act granted billions of dollars to agencies like the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, to be distributed among technologies that support sustainability and clean energy.

Many Burkland clients are hard at work developing new Clean Energy innovations, and several have already been recipients of these funds. For example, Yardstick recently raised a $12M Series A round to develop their soil carbon measurement technology and were included in the 12th Cohort of Elemental Excelerators’ $12.5M infusion into transformative climate solution technologies, while Aether Fuels raised $8.5M to develop sustainable fuels for aviation and ocean shipping. On the grant side of things, Agrofocal Technologies received funds from the USDA to monitor crops with mountable technology and Tandem PV received funding from the DOE to further development of their Perovskite Solar Technology. Magrathea Metals has partnered with the Department of Defense via the Defense Production Act to strengthen the US supply chain of Magnesium Metal, while radically reducing cost and environmental impact, with a $19.6M award.

Burkland’s new Clean Energy & Grant Accounting consulting practice is here to serve the needs of clean energy startups, including guidance to navigate the complexities of fundraising and managing government grants.

Finance & Accounting Services for Clean Energy Startups

  • Startup Accounting – Bookkeeping and financial systems that grow with you:
    • Monthly and quarterly reports
    • Annual reports
    • P&L statements
    • Balance sheet cash flow report
  • Grant Accounting – Accounting and support for the full lifecycle of your grants:
    • Budgeting for grant applications
    • Time tracking
    • Categorization of allowable expenses
  • Compliance – Helping you keep up with the ever-changing regulatory landscape:
    • Grant-specific compliance
    • Overarching agency compliance
    • Audit preparation and support
  • R&D Tax Credit – Supporting your journey from tax credits, to POC, to VC rounds:
    • Tax credit analysis
    • Tax credit accounting
    • Qualified research expenses
  • ESG Metrics – We help you make the case for your world-changing technology:
    • Defining the metrics that matter most
    • Systems for ongoing measurement
    • Presentation of metrics

Typically, clean energy clients come to Burkland after they’ve received their first grant or round of investment. Learn more about Burkland’s Clean Energy & Grant Accounting services, and contact us to request more information for your startup or portfolio companies.