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Marko Gargenta Shares Insights From Inside a Twitter Acquisition

It’s the dream of every startup; to get acquired by a big internet company. But what is that experience really like?

It’s the dream of every startup — to get acquired by a big internet company. But what is that experience really like?

Marko Gargenta, Founder of PlusPlus.co, joins us to share what he learned when his previous startup, Marakana, was acquired by Twitter. He also shared other insights from his extensive startup career.

Some topics we cover:

  • 3 reasons why Marko agreed to let Twitter acquire Marakana
  • The importance of having a support network — like a founders group
  • Getting involved with startup groups like StartX and Sand Hill Angels
  • How building a startup with investors differed from building one without

This discussion with Marko Gargenta was taken from our show Startup Success. If you want to hear more episodes like this one, you can find every episode here.